The benefits of lifestyle medicine

When I lecture to medical students about the benefits of lifestyle medicine, I often include a slide of the Hippocratic oath.

When I lecture to medical students about the benefits of lifestyle medicine, I often include a slide of the Hippocratic oath. 

Doctors all over the world have the great honor of reciting this sacred promise at the time of their graduation YICHANG. While the modern version spans 341 words, none are more important to me than these: I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure We can all understand the simple truth that it's better not to get sick at all than to suffer and be cured. Indeed, if doctors aim to nurture the health and well-being of our patients, prevention ought to trump all else in health care. 

When I was in medical school, I took a course called Preventive Medicine, but I soon learned we were really talking about secondary prevention , also known as early detection. 

For example, my professor lectured on the importance of colonoscopy to “prevent” colon cancer. But colonoscopies don't prevent cancer; they detect it early. The same can be said for mammograms, digital prostate exams, and more. Certainly, these tests are valuable, but wouldn't it be far better to avert cancer altogether? That's what we call primary prevention YICHANG Gloves. Not only is primary prevention barely covered during our years in training, it is effectively discouraged by the conflicting motives that are present in daily medical practice PE Gloves. Real prevention of course means halting the development of a chronic disease before it starts. 

As you know by now, I believe there is a much more effective solution for prevention of chronic illnesses, and lifestyle medicine is that solution. In my own case, I was able to apply this solution and reverse the chronic illness that I had lived with for eight agonizing years. This approach to health and healing restores what is missing from medicine by incorporating simple behaviors around how we eat, move, sleep, and take care of ourselves mentally and emotionally, all in an effort to achieve optimal health. 

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 It brings real, tangible hope back into the lives of those who are suffering. I know these protocols can prevent and even slow or reverse chronic illness because I have lived them and seen countless patients do so as well. The lifestyle medicine practices in this book can and will transform your life, and on a wider scale they have the potential to reverse the doomsday picture of health in our world.